"Whatever you say, if you believe it, will come to pass in your life. Choose your words and beliefs carefully."

"A soul becomes great through acting on its dreams."

"I am not afraid to act upon my dreams because I know that my dreams are the keys to my success and the doorway to my greatness."

"My dreams are vivid and clear. I recognize their importance and power." As I take a slow and even breath I connect to the soul within me. I imagine myself receiving the gift of dreams and hopes. I experience the power of my dreams and feel this power flowing through me into my world. I imagine myself clearly perceiving my dreams, readily understanding their meaning, and easily taking the actions they require to manifest in my life. In my mind's eye I see myself experiencing my dreams as reality. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.


"I say and believe only those things I wish to create in my life."

"A full and glorious life flows through the power of change."

"I AM experiencing fully and completely all the love in my life."


"Self-love will nourish my soul. I AM the love that nourishes me." As I take a slow and even breath I center my full attention on my heart. With each new beat of my heart I feel the power of love expanding within me. In my mind's eye I see love filling me, healing me, and touching my soul. As I imagine myself filled with the power of love, I see myself as perfect and whole. I affirm that I do indeed love myself and that self-love will nourish my soul. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

"I am easily and joyously learning all the lessons life brings to me." In my mind's eye I see myself growing through joy, no longer feeling the need to struggle. I know that I will learn all of my lessons easily and joyously. It is part of the Divine plan for me to succeed and I expect my lessons to come naturally. I imagine my life filled with fun and interesting tasks for my personal and spiritual growth. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

"I am wrapped in God's loving embrace." In my mind's eye I see myself wrapped in God's loving embrace. I feel completely loved and cared for. In my mind's eye I see myself healing and growing through the power of Divine love. I imagine myself going through my day expressing God's love in all that I do. I see the positive responses from other people that my loving actions attract. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

"I exercise my personal freedom with every choice I make. Today I AM choosing positive thoughts, affirming words, and right actions." I take a slow and even breath and recognize the incredible power I have within me; the power of choice. I imagine myself easily and joyfully choosing those thoughts, words, and deeds that create the reality I desire. In my mind's eye I see that reality manifesting in my life. I take a moment to experience my life as I want it to be. I affirm that I can and will choose freedom. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

"Failure leads to success unless you quit." "I recognize that my failure is a doorway to success." I take a slow and even breath and connect to the will of God for my life. I affirm that this will includes my success, health, prosperity, peace, and joy. I remind myself that no matter what the immediate circumstances are, I am destined for success. In my mind's eye, I see the seeming failures in my life transforming into opportunities for me to succeed. I imagine my life filled with radiant health, enormous success, abundant prosperity, exquisite peace and contagious joy, as the Divine will is manifested in my life. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

"Disease is often an expression of unforgiveness." "I forgive and release all those who have hurt me including myself." In my mind's eye I experience the spiritual force of forgiveness. I imagine its healing power flowing through my body transforming any diseased or hurt places in my mind, emotions, or body. I send this power of forgiveness to any person, place, or thing that has hurt me. I imagine each situation or person surrounded with love. I recognize that the results of this forgiveness will benefit me the most. In my imagination I visualize myself enjoying the freedom and health this act of forgiveness has created. I thank God for the healing power of forgiveness. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

"You must learn to love yourself before you can receive the love of others." In my mind's eye I see myself surrounded with love. I recognize my perfection and place in the universe and give thanks that I AM alive. I acknowledge my worthiness for love. I see myself easily and readily accepting the love of others. I acknowledge that every living being is worthy of love. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

“I choose joy and grace in my life.” I close my eyes and reflect on the power of choice. I understand that only I can choose how I will view the world. From this powerful place of choice, I choose to release the struggle in my life. In my mind's eye I imagine my life as I learn lessons and grow with joy. I see myself gracefully healing all the places within me that are less than perfect. I imagine myself easily and joyously releasing all the things that limit me. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

"I choose to grow with joy." As I close my eyes I determine to let go of all struggle in my life. I remind myself that it is possible to grow with ease and joy. Struggle is something I learned but is not God's best for me. In my mind's eye, I see myself easily and joyously releasing struggle. I see myself connecting to the flow of Divine energy, grace, and wisdom as I apply the tools of positive thinking to my life. I imagine myself enjoying my lessons, realizing that any difficulty is only an opportunity for success. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking."

"If you want to transform old thought patterns be prepared with new thoughts to think." "Today, I easily and joyfully recognize any old thought patterns and replace them with new and limitless positive thoughts." I imagine myself going through my day immediately recognizing limited thoughts as they come into my mind. I see myself easily remembering to replace these old thoughts with the new ones I have chosen. I affirm that these new thoughts will create the life I want to experience. In my mind's eye I see myself experiencing the life I desire to create, the life my new thoughts are designed to manifest. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

"It is the will of God for me to prosper and be in good health." As I close my eyes, I affirm that God wants me to prosper and be in good health. In my mind's eye, I see myself enjoying great prosperity. I imagine having all the money I need to travel, purchase my dream home, and enjoy my favorite leisure activities. I imagine that I have the money I need to support my mission in life and an overflow so that I may give generously to others. I see myself enjoying all this prosperity with radiant health and an abundance of energy. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

"I am a Divine being of light naturally expressing my life's purpose." As I close my eyes, I experience the presence of my true identity, a Divine being of light. I allow this light to flow into my mind, emotions, and physical body. The power of this light guides me as I manifest my life's purpose. I imagine the joy I feel as I live my life in harmony with my true purpose. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

"I forgive and release all those who have hurt me including myself." As I close my eyes I experience the spiritual force of forgiveness. I imagine its healing power flowing through my body transforming any diseased or hurt places in my mind, emotions, or body. I send this power of forgiveness to any person, place, or thing that has hurt me. I imagine each situation or person surrounded with love. I recognize that the results of this forgiveness will benefit me the most. In my imagination I visualize myself enjoying the freedom and health this act of forgiveness has created. I thank God for the healing power of forgiveness. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

"I joyously accept all the gifts God has for me." As I close my eyes I surround myself with feelings of gratefulness for all the marvelous gifts God has given to me. I affirm that it is God's good pleasure to give me every good and perfect gift. I remind myself that God will not force goodness on me. It is my choice and responsibility to accept all that God has given me. In my mind's eye, I see myself standing with open arms receiving an outpouring of healing, abundance, beauty, and joy. I imagine that allowing God's goodness to flow over me is as easy as standing in the rain. I acknowledge that I deserve these divine gifts because I am a child of God and God wants me to have them. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

"I am thankful for all the blessings in my life and all the blessings that are yet to come." As I take a slow and even breath I allow myself to experience the spiritual force of gratitude rising inside of me. I reflect on all the good and wondrous things in my life. I remember how miraculous life itself is. I know that my blessings increase as I practice thanksgiving; therefore I imagine myself experiencing a future where my life is overflowing with blessings. I take time to experience this life as if it were now. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

As I close my eyes, I breathe in the peace and presence of my soul. I affirm that my soul is filling me with powerful and expansive dreams. I recognize that the creativity, power, and resources I need to fullfill these dreams are readily available. I release any fear that might limit my ability to express my dreams. I recognize that my greatect resource is my imagination. So, in my imagination I see my dreams fullfilled.

I allow myself to image every detail of my most potent dreams manifested into my reality. I AM successful as I act on my dreams. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

I close my eyes and imagine myself filled with positive thoughts of change. In my mind's eye, I feel myself courageous, strong, and unafraid of change. I imagine myself easily breaking from old ways that do not serve me well. I see myself going forward toward the new with faith and assurance. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

I close my eyes and feel the comfort of God's protective light as it surrounds me. I feel calm and serene basking in this Divine light. In my mind's eye I invite my fears into my loving embrace. I acknowledge the protection my fears have offered me in the past. As I recognize the power of love within me, I no longer need the protection of my fears. I gently release the fears and invite in the strength and courage of my inner power. I see myself going through my day fearless, knowing that the power of love protects me. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

I close my eyes and imagine the force of faith rising within me. I feel its power strengthening every aspect of my being. In my imagination I send the force of faith out into my world to manifest my dreams. I imagine that my dreams have already come true in my life. I spend a few moments imagining my new life with all my dreams a reality. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

I close my eyes and imagine myself surrounded by the light of unconditional love. I take a deep breath and allow this light to fill every cell of my being. In my mind's eye I see myself becoming more and more accepting of the love that surrounds me. I imagine myself going through my day thinking loving thoughts about myself and others. I see the positive responses from other people that my loving thoughts attract. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I affirm that my beliefs create my thoughts & words and that they in turn create my reality. In my mind's eye I see the old limiting thoughts and beliefs evaporating and being replaced by limitless powerful and positive ones. I affirm that when I choose positive beliefs, the words I speak automatically reflect these ideas. I see my reality as a happy and joyful existence as I use the power of positive thinking and speaking to create the life I deserve. I combine these images with the feelings of joy and let them go, knowing that they will create the good things I am visualizing and thinking.


Free Positive Thoughts
Spirituality In Everyday Life